Phone:+ 91-40-66666221,
Mobile:+ 91-9014449976.

Career  Counseling :

Obviously, the main purpose of education is to achieve career goals. Unless the ‘career’ is carefully charted, education’s value is lost. At People Choice, we not only guide students to plan their education, but also direct their ideas towards career planning, which is the ultimate goal for them. By providing counseling with expertise and experience, we help students to consider various options and guide them in the right direction. This will enhance value for their education, thus strengthening their approach for a stable and successful career.People Choice has professionals in its ranks, who have versatile qualifications and experience to suggest right career options. We also have latest data, updated regularly, which provides necessary inputs on the opportunities, scope, prospects and financial rewards in any given field of work.

Country Selection:

How do you choose when there are different countries offering world-class education? How do you determine which country is right or wrong, given the fact that you may not about a country or its circumstances fully?
People Choice makes all the difference to you here. We will provide you with unbiased information on all the countries that we provide services and steer you in the right direction – North for USA, West for UK and East for Australia!

To help you make the choice, we also provide detailed comparison of the three countries, which will empower you to decide by yourself. Of course, People Choice’s guidance in choosing the right country will always be there for you, in relation to the choice of program, level and career opportunities.

Course Selection:

When there are thousands of courses, with multiple specializations and unlimited options, it is difficult for a student to make the right choice. People Choice’s expertise will make all the difference for you in this aspect.
We have detailed and up to-date information on all the courses at all levels (Certificate, Diploma, Bachelors, Masters etc.) in all the countries. Our counselors will extensively review this information, make a careful selection and suggest you the right course, based on your preference, academic background and future plans.
At People Choice, you are always on the right course!

University Selection:

More than 3500 universities in USA, 40+  in Australia and 120+ (132) in UK, not to mention about thousands of colleges all throughout. Mind boggling, isn’t it?
If you take just one field of study – for example Computer Science – you will find more than 800 different universities offering this program in USA!! As a student, how will you choose the most appropriate university that is compatible with your academic profile? Which is good or average? Where can you find financial aid? The task becomes huge for an aspiring student. Not for People Choice’s counselors.
We have a complete database – updated continuously – of all the universities and programs. Our team members constantly research information on these universities and colleges to determine what is right for you.
With such expert assistance, you cannot go wrong at People Choice, in choosing the right university for the right program, at your level of study.

This is provided as part of our regular service.

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